“Our job is to ask questions of children so that children internalize these questions and ask them of themselves and their own emerging drafts.”
Source : Lucy McCormick Calkins, Lucy Calkins (1991). “Living Between the Lines”, Heinemann Educational Books
“Spirituality automatically leads to humility. When a flower develops into a fruit, the petals drop off on its own. When one becomes spiritual, the ego vanishes gradually on its own. A tree laden with fruits always bends low. Humility is a sign of greatness.”
“Style a classic pencil skirt with on-trend prints to end the week in style.”
“...The human perception of this energy first begins with a heightened sensitivity to beauty.”
“How strange and abandoned and unsettled I am. Like a snowdome paper weight that's been shaken. There's a blizzard in my bubble. Everything in my world that was steady and sure and sturdy has been shaken out of place, and it's now drifting and swirling back down in a confetti of debris. (p30)”
“The unconverted do not like to hear much about the Holy Spirit.”
“So true it is, that nature has caprices which art cannot imitate.”
“Twitter has restored my faith in humanity. I thought I'd hate it, but while there are lots of knobheads, there are even more lovely people. It delights me how witty and friendly most people are.”
Source : "John Simm: this much I know" by Olly Richards, www.theguardian.com. May 25, 2013.