“I always freak out when people ask me about my favorite bands or my five favorite records, I just can never do that because it goes through different waves and sometimes you want to listen to something and at other times you want to listen to something else so I don't know.”
“Pulchritude--beauty where you would least suspect it, hidden in a word that looked like it should signify a belch or a skin infection.”
Source : Zadie Smith (2003). “White Teeth”, p.264, Vintage
“No other creative field is as closed to those who are not white and male as is the visual arts. After I decided to be an artist, the first thing that I had to believe was that I, a black woman, could penetrate the art scene, and that, further, I could do so without sacrificing one iota of my blackness or my femaleness or my humanity.”
“The publishing world is very timid. Readers are much braver.”
“Don't touch my d**k, don't touch my knife.”
“We, drinking love at the furthest springs, Covered with love as a covering tree, We had grown as gods, as the gods above, Filled from the heart to the lips with love, Held fast in his hands, clothed warm with his wings, O love, my love, had you loved but me!”
“We live in a world defined by its boundaries: You cannot travel faster than the speed of light. You must and will die. You cannot escape these boundaries. But the miracle and hope of human consciousness is that we can still conceive of boundlessness.”
Source : Esther Earl, Lori Earl, Wayne Earl (2014). “This Star Won't Go Out: The Life and Words of Esther Grace Earl”, p.15, Penguin UK
“I would rather be alone and a loud voice for action than be silent.”
Source : "Susan Rice, limousine liberals and America’s Syria policy" By Lori Handrahan, www.foxnews.com. July 6, 2012.