“No human being can prevent you from giving. Because no human being controls God’s agenda.”
“I've dealt with Hollywood about having my work made into a film or cartoon but nothing came of it. That's not to say I wouldn't like to see something happen.”
“For a century after the reign of Frederick, Prussia remained the most prominent Germanic state in Europe.”
Source : Kelly Miller (1919). “Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights ...: Why America Entered the Conflict ...& a Thrilling Account of the Important Part Taken by the Negro in the Tragic Defeat of Germany ...”
“Paradoxically, the toddler's "No" is also a preliminary to his saying yes. It is a sign that he is getting ready to convert his mother's restrictions and prohibitions into the rules for behavior that will belong to him.”
Source : Louise J. Kaplan (1978). “Oneness and separateness: from infant to individual”, Touchstone
“The theatre has always been to me a place where beautiful lies are told, and playwrighting the orchestration of platitudes around a central flaw in logic or a ridiculous idea. Acting — the disguise and impersonation — is an art of deception.”
Source : "Ridiculous theatre: scourge of human folly: the essays and opinions of Charles Ludlam".
“The 'feminine' woman is forever static and childlike. She is like the ballerina in an old-fashioned music box, her unchanging features tiny and girlish, her voice tinkly, her body stuck on a pin, rotating in a spiral that will never grow.”
Source : Susan Faludi (1991). “Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women”
“The US needs military/defense, economic, and social strategies. A medium-sized business, by contrast, is normally best off focusing its efforts on a single crucial objective.”
“You don't like to see your guys take the field without you because it makes you feel like, man, maybe they really don't need me out there, which is kind of humbling.”