Source : "Dark Rooms: A Saga". Book by Siddharth Katragadda, 2002.
#Greatness Quotes #Festivals Quotes #Culture Quotes
“It is a conspicuous fact in our modern Christian society that as a result and cumulation of our partriarchal development, the woman does not belong to herself.... Man has made her a perpetual minor.”
“People are hungering for property — for a secure, permanent and independent link with spaceship earth that ownership represents and which only ownership can protect or defend. It is humiliating to possess nothing, to own nothing, and hence to produce nothing and to count for nothing.”
“It's now expected of me that I will defy expectation, so I really generally seem to be free to write what I want.”
“Unless it's a soul-nourishing and breath-taking love, the kind that makes you wonder how you got along without them before you met them and makes you be a better, happier person, it is a waste of time. If the person cannot make you smile simply by thinking of them, they're not the one.”
“When the fire of your soul ignites the passion within your heart, don't view it as an opportunity for success or failure, view it as an open door for miracles.”
“There was this one lady in Colorado who made us something ceramic, where it could have been either a ring holder or a bowl cleaner. She was just like, "Here you go." And we were both like, "Oh my god! Thank yoooou!"”
“Everyone misbehaves,' said Eddie. 'That's nature. Everyone gets away with as much as they can get away with. And the more they can get away with, the more they will.”
“Have the self-confidence to say no when it is necessary and the strength to stand alone. Give yourself the approval to love and respect everything that you are and will become.”
Adam Osborne Author
Ralph Waldo Emerson Essayist