“I think the best thing for us is to just write songs that we like.”
Source : Source: www.interviewmagazine.com
“One thing we have lost, that we had in the past, is a sense of progress, that things are getting better. There is a sense of volatility, but not of progress.”
“After all, I think Forrest was the most remarkable man our Civil War produced on either side.”
Source : "The Life of General Nathan Bedford Forrest". Book by John Allan Wyeth, July 1, 1996.
“Sociologists and historians have avoided looking for the family sources of wars and social violence. Whenever a group produces murderers, the early parental relationship must have been abusive and neglectful. Yet this elementary truth has not even begun to be considered in historical research; just stating that poor mothering lies behind wars seems blasphemous.”
Source : "The Emotional Life of Nations". Book by Lloyd deMause, 2002.
“Geniuses are people who dash off weird, wild, incomprehensible poems with astonishing facility, & then go & get booming drunk & sleep in the gutter. Genius elevates a man to ineffable speres [sic] far above the vulgar world, & fills his soul with a regal contempt for the gross & sordid things of earth. It is probably on account of this that people who have genius do not pay their board, as a general thing.”
“for he is such a disagreeable man, that it would be quite a misfortune to be liked by him.”
“I do think that, at one time, being an actress was the equivalent almost of being a prostitute. It garnered roughly the same respect. That's changed a lot, thank goodness.”
“Wounded vanity knows when it is mortally hurt; and limps off the field, piteous, all disguises thrown away. But pride carries its banner to the last; and fast as it is driven from one field unfurls it in another, never admitting that there is a shade less honor in the second field than in the first, or in the third than in the second.”
Source : Helen Hunt Jackson (2010). “Ramona”, p.150, Modern Library