#Beautiful Quotes #Quality Quotes #Age Quotes
“To every reversal of people's soveregnity, to every disappearance of the Republic corresponds a frank or disguised restitution in force of the regal justice. ''Tell me, according to what you judge and I'll tell you who you are." [...] No axiom in politics is more certain than this.”
Source : "Le Coup d'État permanent". Book by François Mitterrand, Part III, 1964.
“The majority of women commit the strategic error of attempting to excel in a maximum of fields in order to satisfy all their customers' needs.”
“Bible study is essential to spiritual maturity.”
“I'm happy and at peace with where I am at life.”
“The society Shakespeare knew was heading for tremendous change, and he seems to have recognized that and written about it in a coded way. I understand those codes, I think”
“Many people are busy trying to find better ways of doing things that should not have to be done at all. There is no progress in merely finding a better way to do a useless thing.”
“I used to get so jealous if my wife liked another band more than my own. Come to think of it, I still do.”
“My writing improved the more I wrote - and the more I read good writing, from Shakespeare on down.”
Dolph Schayes Basketball player