Source : 'Familiar Letters' (1645-55) bk. 2, letter 4
#Hair Quotes #Oxen Quotes #Pairs Quotes
“Power is poison. Its effect on Presidents has been always tragic, chiefly as an almost indecent excitement at first, and a worse reaction afterwards; but also because no mind is so well balanced as to bear the strain of seizing unlimited force without habit or knowledge of it; and finding it disputed with him by hungry packs of wolves and hounds whose lives depend on snatching the carion.”
“Solos I kind of [couldn't] care less about. I know most people probably think that's what I care *most* about, but it's really the melody playing that is the cornerstone of what I'm working on.”
“It's about being patient and working hard. People try to put the money before the work. You can't do that. You have to trust in God, trust in your feelings and the love of the music. Everything else will come.”
“Jesus never gave advice”
“Musicians always have music in their heads about their perceptions of the world.”
“My big thing is to make sure the lipsticks taste good when you kiss. And, well, so far they taste pretty darn good.”
“Actually, I've only been involved with one girl I worked with. It was Alyssa Milano. We didn't actually have an onscreen kiss - we're about to but it gets broken up.”
Source : "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
“And what unity is to be had, at a time when orchestras are dying out, and when opera houses are about to close their doors; what's going to come next - when nothing new in music, for the orchestra, is truly lasting: pieces are performed once, and then they're thrown away.”
Nicholas Udall Playwright
Susanne Katherina Langer Philosopher