“In the end, everything is found to be wanting.”
Source : Frank Lentricchia (2011). “The Sadness of Antonioni”, p.160, SUNY Press
“I pray they will carry on in spite of that dreadful monster prejudice, and with patience, courage, fortitude and perseverance achieve success for themselves.”
Source : Major Taylor (1928). “The Fastest Bicycle Rider in the World: The Story of a Colored Boy's Indomitable Courage and Success Against Great Odds; an Autobiography”
“I'd rather hold one note for an hour and modulate it so that it means something than play 3,000 notes in 15 seconds.”
“So many bands are like, 'I'm real because I'm dirty.' If you have money for guitars, you can afford soap.”
“You have to accept gifts occasionally, because there are some things you can’t give yourself”
“You can't look back; you have to keep looking forward.”
“Imagine the earth’s population of six billion people reduced to just one hundred representatives. Statistically, that makes 30 white, 70 non-white. It means 6 people own 59% of the wealth and they all live in North America. 80 are in substandard housing. One has an education. One owns a computer. Don’t blame me if it all sounds crazy.”
“There is no death. How can there be death if everything is part of the Godhead? The soul never dies and the body is never really alive.”