#Keys Quotes #Doors Quotes #Soul Quotes
Source : Herman Kahn, Paul Dragoș Aligică, Kenneth R. Weinstein (2009). “The Essential Herman Kahn: In Defense of Thinking”, p.17, Lexington Books
Source : "Putting an End to Secret Campaign Contributions" by Al Franken, www.huffingtonpost.com. July 16, 2012.
“The truest characters of ignorance are vanity and pride and arrogance.”
Source : Samuel Butler (1827). “The genuine poetical remains of Samuel Butler, with notes by R. Thyer. With a selection from the author's Characters in prose”, p.225
“People are the same wherever you go. And if they weren't, they wouldn't laugh at the same s**t.”
“As far as I'm concerned playing 'Dress Up' begins at the age of five, and never truly ends.”
Source : Kate Spade, Ruth A. Peltason, Julia E. Leach (2004). “Manners”, p.39, Simon and Schuster
J. C. Ryle
Bishop of Liverpool
John Bunyan
John Flavel
John Owen
Richard Baxter
Thomas Brooks
Thomas Watson