Robert Mayer
"Truly I say to you, a single number has more genuine and permanent value than an expensive library full of hypotheses."
Robert Mayer
#Science Quotes
#Numbers Quotes
#Library Quotes
“What you can't teach someone is how to find the door. You can't give someone a door to another universe. You can tell them that the door exists, and if they're stuck in the hallway you can be like, "You're stuck in the hallway," but you can't open the door for them.”
“I like the boundaries, the kinds of conventions of a documentary and having to work within that.”
“The right timing is not always our timing.”
“Family trips to Yellowstone and to what are now national parks in Southern Utah, driving the primitive roads and cars of that day, were real adventures.”
“I remember in film school, when we made shorts, you'd sit there and screen them with your peers, which has its own flavor, because everybody's so competitive and evil, and it's a really nasty environment.”
“I saw Krishnamurti speak one time. And I thought, I'm not going to live here.”
“To defend a country you need an army, but to defend a civilization you need education.”
“I didn't aspire to write and never considered it as a career option.”