Robert Denning
"Find the ideal in something not ideal."
Source : House & Garden Magazine, p. 120, July 1991.
Robert Denning
“When it comes to art, buy with your eyes, not your ears. I tried very hard not to 'decorate' with art. Art should be reflective of your personality and what's going on in your head-not reflective of the colors of a sofa.”
“That song "Futuro" was written by Quique Rangel, the bassist. I wouldn't know how to explain the song, but each would have to give their own interpretation. If the lyrics generate that message for you, then that's good.”
“If there's a power above us, (And that there is all nature cries aloud Through all her works,) he must delight in virtue.”
“Oh what a friend chance can be — when it chooses.”
“It’s the whole or it’s nothing.”
“Whatever it is your doing out there, don't lose hope, you just keep digging and things can work out. I'm proof.”
“Fundamental ideas are not a consequence of experience, but a result of the particular constitution and activity of the mind, which is independent of all experience in its origin, though constantly combined with experience in its exercise.”
“White folks still in the lead.”