“I don't believe that there's anyone in the world without a competitive bone in their body.”
Source : Source: www.pbs.org
“These masters of the universe must be tamed in the interests of the ordinary families whose jobs and livelihoods are being put at risk... The Tories won't say anything about the current crisis as they are completely in the pockets of the hedge funds.”
“I don't know whether my husband is a genius or not, but he certainly has a dirty mind.”
“Forget what you might have heard. There are no separate corps of angels for agnostics, atheists, Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Mormons, Buddhists, Unitarians, Hindus, Druids, Shintoists, Wiccans, and so on. To put a spin on the old saying, it's okay if you don't believe in angels. We believe in you.”
Source : Cynthia Leitich Smith (2010). “Eternal”, p.91, Candlewick Press
“I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
“As for jokes, I don't think it's necessarily that what I write is funny.”
Source : "Peter David Interview". Jamie Coville blog, jamiecoville.com. January 2000.
“Richie Faulkner is very respectful to the songs that he plays from when [founding member] K.K. [Downing] was in the band. He plays them incredibly. And he's got his own nuances and his own techniques that he puts in - as he should.”
Source : Source: www.washingtontimes.com
“All afternoon in the deck chair, I try to describe to my notebook the colors of the water and sky. How to translate sunlight into words?”