“The grandiose person is never really free; first because he is excessively dependent on admiration from others, and second, because his self-respect is dependent on qualities, functions, and achievements that can suddenly fail.”
“George theThird Ought never to have occurred. One can only wonder At so grotesque a blunder.”
Source : 'More Biography' (1929) 'George the Third'
“In Old Europe and Ancient Crete, women were respected for their roles in the discovery of agriculture and for inventing the arts of weaving and pottery making.”
“I think that in general - well, at least it's true for me - you tend to put something of yourself into the story as a whole. Not necessarily in any character, you understand. But you've got your own way of looking at the world, and that naturally will affect how you craft a story.”
Source : "Remedy's Sam Lake". Interview with Nick Cowen, www.eurogamer.net. February 18, 2010.
“Be modest! It is the kind of pride least likely to offend.”
“[The Middle East conflict ] just kind of ran its course for me. For a long time I could justify doing it to myself, no matter how irrational it was. It was important to me and my work. And I just don't feel it in the same way any more. When it comes up and it's important to me, I'll do it, but more out of sense of duty than desire - which used to be a big part of it.”
“To wind the mighty secrets of the past, And turn the key of time.”
Source : Henry Kirke White (1834). “The Life and Remains of Henry Kirke White, Etc”, p.92
“It's not like I was an alkie or anything. Alcohol is for cleaning needles”