“Beyond all sciences, philosophies, theologies, and histories, a child's relentless inquiry is truly all it takes to remind us that we don't know as much as we think we know.”
“I have yet to get sued. My father thinks I should get liability insurance.”
Source : Source: therumpus.net
“Politics hates a vacuum. If it isn't filled with hope, someone will fill it with fear.”
Source : "From pots to politics" by Naomi Klein, www.theguardian.com. May 12, 2003.
“You do your work. You get up in the morning, you choose an outfit, you know? It doesn't have to be the best thing that you wear, you know what I mean? It's music, man. You do an album, complete it, and then musicians are on to the next thing. Nobody cares about how many units it sold as compared to the old one.”
Source : Source: www.avclub.com
“Usually, I create tunes that are fragmented. I think the biggest obstacle for people with their creativity is that they feel they have to sit down and create this finished, polished product.”
Source : "Neutral Milk Hotel". Interview with Mike McGonigal, pitchfork.com. February 11, 2008.
“I didn't turn with the enemy pilots as a rule. I might make one turn to see what the situation was but not often. It was too risky.”
“The role of art in society differs for every artist.”
“If there is one number to which the rights of millions will be happily sacrificed, it is the national GDP growth rate.”
Source : William Easterly (2014). “A The Tyranny of Experts: How the Fight Against Global Poverty Suppressed Individual Rights”, p.137, Perseus Books Group