“I played soccer for 12 years on three different teams at a time.”
Source : "Portia Doubleday: A Funny Joke from Spike Jonze's Latest Muse" by Chris Fortuna, www.esquire.com. December 17, 2013.
“The alienation of man thus appeared as the fundamental evil of capitalist society.”
“In all honesty, titles are an embarrassment to me.”
“Don't spend most of your time on the voices that don't count, voices that are going to add too little worth to your future. Don't waste time on the shallow and the silly. Tune those voices out and tune in voices that are going to add something to your life”
“The man who will be the future of the WWE. He will be right under me. He is the man, he is the myth, he is the legend, soon to be.. he is, Alex Riley.”
“Most men are within a finger's breadth of being mad.”
“There's no end to the absurd things people will do trying to make life mean something.”
Source : William Wharton (1980). “Birdy”, Avon Books
“So many boys and girls talk the same way, listen to the same music, look the same. If I'm out, I'll notice the person who looks different before I notice the person who's, 'really hot.”
Source : "fun. Interview with Jack Antonoff". Interview with Courtney Kenfick, www.seventeen.com. March 6, 2012.