“I use the term bar-room to represent every means for the sale and traffic in liquor, and I earnestly appeal to the people to put an end to the traffic, no matter under what name or guise it may be carried on.”
“All tedious research is worth one inspired moment.”
Source : Uta Hagen (2009). “Respect for Acting”, p.117, John Wiley & Sons
“The biggest names in the Transcendentalist literary circle visited the community regularly, and supported it, but they couldn't live there happily. Hawthorne [who was briefly a resident] left for reasons I'm sure make sense to you; he couldn't get enough writing done in a house full of people playing music, and arguing. It was too busy.”
Source : Source: therumpus.net
“If Republicans are aiming for the heart, for compassion, the last thing they should do is abandon the sanctity of life. Instead, they should tell Americans that they believe in the dignity and value of every human being, from the defenseless unborn child, to the newborn with a disability, to the 90-year-old dealing with dementia.”
“Art, if it is successful, needs no explanation.”
“If you win all the time, it's not good for the coaches or the kids.”
“Manuel is still today a good friend. The others I see rarely, but with Edgar I phone from time to time.”
Source : Interview with Jason Gross, www.furious.com. May 1997.
“Most architects say: I want to use this type of glass, even if it's too reflective or doesn't let enough light in. However, the use of a certain type of glass might change the comfort level.”