#Inspiration Quotes #Men Quotes #Arriving Quotes
Source : John Foxe, John Malham, T. Pratt (1830). “Fox's Book of Martyrs; Or, The Acts and Monuments of the Christian Church: Being a Complete History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Deaths of the Christian Martyrs; from the Commencement of Christianity to the Present Period. To which is Added an Account of the Inquisition, the Bartholomew Massacre in France, the General Persecution Under Louis XIV, the Massacres in the Irish Rebellions in the Years 1641, and 1798, Rise, Progress, and Persecutions of the People Commonly Called Quakers, Together with an Account of the Western Martyrology, Or Bloody Assizes; with the Lives of Some of the Early Eminent Reformers ...”, p.410
Source : Source: www.guernicamag.com
“The phrase public office is a public trust, has of last become common property.”
Source : "The "Spoils" System and Civil Service Reform". Book by Dorman Bridgeman Eaton, Chapter III. The Merit System,
“With the proper diet, no doctor is necessary. With the improper diet, no doctor can help”
Source : 1925 On These I Stand,'Heritage'.
Andrew Carnegie
Business magnate
Charles F. Haanel
Dale Carnegie
Earl Nightingale
Joseph Murphy
Og Mandino
Robert Kiyosaki
Tony Robbins
W. Clement Stone