“I don't want to be in some big beautiful place that nobody want me, because I play the blues.”
“We had a sunset of a very fine sort. The vast plain of the sea was marked off in bands of sharply-contrasted colors: great stretches of dark blue, others of purple, others of polished bronze; the billowy mountains showed all sorts of dainty browns and greens, blues and purples and blacks, and the rounded velvety backs of certain of them made one want to stroke them, as one would the sleek back of a cat.”
“The minorities have been confined to the city by a moat of bigotry.”
“I have and I will always work to promote a civil public discourse.”
Source : "Bob Etheridge Attacks Student: North Carolina Congressman Gets Rough With Interviewer" by Nick Wing, www.huffingtonpost.com. June 14, 2010.
“We must use what we have to invent what we desire.”
Source : Adrienne Rich (2003). “What Is Found There: Notebooks on Poetry and Politics (Expanded Edition)”, p.172, W. W. Norton & Company
“Freedom is like holding a small bird. If you squeeze it too hard, you will kill it. But if you don't hold it firmly enough, it will fly away. Indeed, freedom can be both fragile and elusive, and so-as the McCormick Tribune Freedom Museum so powerfully reminds us-it requires our eternal vigilance, our willingness, our ability, our conviction to stand up for that which we think is right.”
“You can measure a programmer's perspective by noting his attitude on the continuing vitality of FORTRAN.”
“I believe there are people out there that just have a warrior spirit, whether it's fighting or something, they've got to do it. It's hard to identify with me; it's just something I do.”
Source : Source: www.sfgate.com