“Being a philanthropist doesn't mean necessarily writing a huge check. It can mean mobilizing your community to start asking questions.”
Source : "A Woman's Work ... / India native Kavita Ramdas spins her privileged background into gold for underprivileged women at S.F.'s Global Fund for Women" by Jonathan Curiel, www.sfgate.com. November 10, 2002.
“There is the Jewish Agency, which gets a lot of money from the United States, from American Jews, whose sole job it is to create settlements. It enlists people all over the world - especially in Russia, and in the United States, by the way - to come and settle in the Occupied Territories as a kind of religious statement, a kind of nationalist statement: "This is a country given to us by God." A lot of Israelis who do not believe in God believe that God has given us this country.”
Source : Source: progressive.org
“Or even the state of Florida, where they are prepared to execute children. Umm, well, you hope that at least that there is something there to be claimed.”
“It has been said that the gate of history turns on small hinges, and so do people's lives. The choices we make determine our destiny.”
“The jamaat was an almost silly mish-mash of people: Rude Dawud’s pork-pie hat poking up here, a jalab-and-turban there, Jehangir’s big Mohawk rising from a sea of kufis, Amazing Ayyub still with no shirt, girls scattered throughout – some in hejab, some not and Rabeya in punk-patched burqa doing her thing. But in its randomness it was gorgeous, reflecting an Islam I felt could not happen anywhere else ... If Islam was to be saved, it would be saved by the crazy ones: Jehangir and Rabeya and Fasiq and Dawud and Ayyub and even Umar.”
“I have a shelf of comfort books, which I read when the world closes in on me or something untoward happens”
“A boy can be two, three, four potential people, but a man is only one. He murders the others.”
Source : Mordecai Richler (1999). “The Apprenticeship Of Duddy Kravitz”, p.328, Simon and Schuster
“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.”