#Rights Quotes #Politics Quotes #Elimination Quotes
“Ask yourself: 'Do I feel the need to laminate?' Then teaching is for you.”
Source : Source: www.slate.com
“I had a career at home, and I just knew that it'd be okay if nothing happened in Los Angeles.”
“Well, my wife, Cathy Gillespie, worked for Joe Barton, who was running for Congress in 1984.”
Source : Glen Duncan (2007). “I, Lucifer: Finally, the Other Side of the Story”, p.55, Grove/Atlantic, Inc.
“We are a long way from getting back the jobs lost since President Bush took office.”
Al Gore
Former Vice President of the United States
Barack Obama
44th U.S. President
Ben Quayle
Former U.S. Representative
Dick Cheney
Former Vice President of the United States
George H. W. Bush
41st U.S. President
Lloyd Bentsen
Former United States Senator
Marilyn Quayle
Michael Dukakis
Former Governor of Massachusetts
Walter F. Mondale
Former Vice President of the United States