#Progress Quotes #Work In Progress Quotes #Handiwork Quotes
“Never do things that you will regret later.”
“I am a famous artist. I make millions. But I frequently see debut shows of unknown artists with prices that are double of mine... what they're really doing is barely getting by and helping me sell 1,000 paintings a year effortlessly, because they make my paintings look like such a bargain. Thank you to all the egotistical art students!”
“God is Man's greatest invention”
“The idea that so many kids eat rubbish and sit on computers all day long appals me and getting them into sport is a major way of getting them off computers and leading healthier lives.”
“We have an excellent list of speakers, but the spark will be provided by the crowd to turn talk into action. The Iraq occupation and the government's bumbling effort in New Orleans, has people wanting to act.”
“Because we all share this planet earth, we have to learn to live in harmony and peace with each other and with nature. This is not just a dream, but a necessity.”
“However, the Government has made it clear that we do not encourage the recruitment of teachers from developing nations where there may be an adverse effect on the economy.”
“When you've been in the tabloids as a drunken 'It-boy', people automatically assume you're thick.”
Source : "Biography/ Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
Carlos A. Godoy
David S. Baxter Author
Donald L. Hallstrom
Lawrence E. Corbridge
Per G. Malm