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Alan Briskin#Wall Quotes #Powerful Quotes #Simple Quotes
“Stately, kindly, lordly friend Condescend Here to sit by me.”
“Being humbled is always good for us, even if it doesn't feel good to us.”
Source : Henry More (1642). “GVuhwdia platonica: or, A platonicall song of the soul, consisting of foure severall poems; viz. GVuhozwia, Vuhacanasia, Antivuhopannuhia, Antimonovuhia. Hereto is added a paraphrasticall interpretation of the answer of Apollo consulted by Amelius, about Pltinus soul departed this life. By”, p.210
Source : "Bill O'Reilly and Bernie Goldberg Debate Fox News and Conservative Bias". "The O'Reilly Factor", September 30, 2009.