Amazing Person famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • The camera machine cannot evade the objects which are in front of it. When the photographer selects this movement, the light, the objects, he must be true to them. If he includes in his space a strip of grass, it must be felt as the living differentiated thing it is and so recorded. It must take its proper but no less important place as a shape and a texture in relationship to the mountain tree or what not, which are included.

  • And I'm a Catholic, from an Irish Catholic family, and we know plenty of stuff about guilt.

  • That's because Tod never brings anything but death and bad advice," I snapped. "That's not true." Tod tried to grin, "Sometimes I bring pizza.

  • Good intentions can often lead to unintended consequences. It is hard to imagine a law intended for the workforce known to Henry Ford can serve the needs of a workplace shaped by the innovations of Bill Gates.

  • Above all trust in the slow work of God. Only God could say what this new spirit gradually forming within you will be. Give our Lord the benefit of believing that His hand is leading you, and accept the anxiety of feeling yourself in suspense and incomplete.

  • Why should I be sad? Everyone has to die. If you have a body, it's too late to cry. It's only funerals I can't stand.

  • The only way I can be angry at you is when I have thought, said, or done something that is unkind in my own opinion.

  • The rule of God is not tyranny, for it does not partake of a political or governmental character -- it is not a rule of authority. God is not a governor of the universe, for a governor rules over those of a like nature with himself, and exercises a political and judicial power, while God exercises a creative, a preserving, and a determinative power of an altogether different kind. If I am a servant of God, I am under no tyranny; for God does not govern, but supports, sustains, and directs me.

  • Anticipation almost always exceeds the reality of that which we anticipated.

  • The ones who were negotiating are now on the front line of this intifada, because they found that the negotiations didn't give them the minimum of their rights.