Meant To Be Together famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Sustainability is treating ourselves and our environment as if we are to live on this earth forever.

  • Whatever pressure I feel all comes from me, from within. I always was that person who was hard on myself and challenged myself no matter what I was doing, whether it was passing third grade or playing basketball.

  • America is God's Crucible, the great Melting-Pot where all the races of Europe are melting and re-forming!

  • When I came to America in the '60s, it was the place to be. I wonder if I'd come here today.

  • If people are not safe, they will not make themselves vulnerable. If they feel too comfortable, they can become complacent or lose their curiosity. They can become intellectually lazy about what matters most.

  • Be yourself. Don't pretend that you know something you don't. Don't create the appearance of fake authority. Speak about the things you really care about.

  • There are very important and practical issues raised by following this alternative route which says, lets look to material conditions, to the systems of production, to the needs that human beings have, and to competing alternative solutions to the satisfaction of those needs.

  • I applied a lot of the same principles I used in hockey into my acting. I might have had some naive ambitions of making the NHL, but thank God, playing hockey gave me a good foundation for everything else.

  • Sometimes when I make a movie, my main goal is to show the movie to one particular director.It's not about competing. It's mostly about someone who did something that blew your mind and you want to see if you can render the joy.

  • You worry too much. Eat some bacon...what? No, I got no idea if it'll make you feel better, I just made too much bacon.