Twists And Turns famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • You know, one of the biggest thrills that I have is when famous people recognize me from "Taxi." When I was working with George C. Scott on "The Titanic," he knew every episode. He would quote lines from it. . .

  • But I've never looked at myself as being particularly funny

  • My prodigious sin was, and still is, being a non-conformist.

  • I am proud to have been capable of giving people hope again.

  • You don’t need to get anyone else to agree with your truth. You just need to live it.

  • Isn't this the truth of any good mother? That in all of our lives. We worry only about those we brought into this world, regardless of whether they loved us back or treated us fairly or understood our shortcomings.

  • Greece is at a dangerous crossroads. Other countries-Portugal, Ireland, maybe Spain-are coming behind it.

  • I've always been into sports and yoga and running. I actually study a martial arts self-defense program called Krav Maga. I can't quite say it's easy, but it's fun for me and I love to do it.

  • Tapes, as we all know, are very powerful evidence. Tapes that are altered are powerfully misleading.

  • Love is found in the things we've given up, more than in the things that we have kept.