Lunch Break famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • When business starts using its voice for the benefit of the country as a whole, not just in its narrow self interest, it can really be the force that can make the changes that need to be made.

  • Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.

  • Theres nothing that can beat the feeling of doing a movie or a TV show that makes everyone feel good.

  • Let me give you a few simple rules for learning to draw. First, see of what shape the whole thing is. Next, put in the line that marks the movement of the whole. Don't have more than one movement in a figure; you can't patch parts together. Simple lines; then simple values. Establish the fact of the whole. Is it square, oblong, cube, or what is it?

  • Here lies Matthew Mudd, Death did him no hurt; When alive he was only Mudd, But now he's only dirt.

  • Lavish credit on anyone and everyone who helped you the least bit.

  • Ignore the naysayers. Really the only option is, head down and focus on the job.

  • There is no limit to stupidity. - Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity.

  • All it takes for a contagious manly culture to form is for one genuine man to live out genuine manhood. It creates a model, something for other men to feed upon and pattern themselves after. It also gives other genuine men a vital connection that sustains and extends who they are.

  • "What can I offer you that will make you happier about how you should feel about who Angelina Jolie is?" I think that's a very strange desire to know those things. And yet I have it, with musicians in particular. I'm desperate to know what Micah P. Hinson is like or Julian Casablancas. Philip Seymour Hoffman made me feel like that.