Take Me As I Am famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Once you've been booked, people in Hollywood say, 'Oh he must be good.' All the while you're the same actor.

  • Faith is a private matter, usually held deep within a person, quiet, impossible to recognise or understand, if you have no faith yourself

  • More important than the material issue . . . the opening of a new, high frontier will challenge the best that is in us . . . the new lands waiting to be built in space will give us new freedom to search for better governments, social systems, and ways of life.

  • Sorrow is not evil, since it stimulates and purifies.

  • There are people who have no engaged conversation with the land whatsoever, no sense of its beauty or extremes or limits and therefore no reason to question their actions in a place that is merely backdrop.

  • My earnest hope is that what we started in terms of building partnerships with communities across America will continue, that we will continue our efforts to reduce crime and violence.

  • I think they named the orange before the carrot.

  • An animal has no intellectual capacity to justify or to find reasons to exist. An animal just exists because it's the natural thing to do.

  • You run risks. That's the plain truth. You run risks and, even in the most unlikely places, you are subject to destiny's whims.

  • An airplane might disappoint any pilot but it'll never surprise a good one.