Not Wasting Time famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • I don’t spend much because a lot of it is freebies. Though, usually, I pay.

  • Mary Stuart wrote, 'My end is in my beginning.' It is easier to agree with her than to decide what is the beginning, and what is the end.

  • The Iraqi government and most Iraqis understand that they have to bring back the Sunni Arab 20, 25 percent of the population. It won't work with these Shia militias running amok in these areas.

  • Now whatever you think of the liberal agenda on its merits, until very recently nobody thought the Constitution meant what liberals now say it means.

  • Before the first World War women were arrested for smoking cigarettes in public, for using profanity, for appearing on beaches without stockings, for driving automobiles without a man beside them, for wearing outlandish attire for example, shorts

  • Fame means millions of people have the wrong idea of who you are.

  • Jazz is one of the few things you can do in society and express yourself freely and creatively.

  • I love food, so exercise is important for me.

  • I have already prepared my counter proposal. It reads thusly: you may strategically place your wonderful lips upon my posterior and kiss it repeatedly!

  • Every movie really does have a message. Somebody somewhere is trying to make a point or advance a cause or promote their agenda. There's nothing wrong with that. They try to do so in an entertaining fashion.