Pandora famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Every two years the American politics industry fills the airwaves with the most virulent, scurrilous, wall-to-wall character assassination of nearly every political practitioner in the country - and then declares itself puzzled that America has lost trust in its politicians.

  • When you love a city and have explored it frequently on foot, your body, not to mention your soul, gets to know the streets so well after a number of years that in a fit of melancholy, perhaps stirred by a light snow falling ever so sorrowfully, you'll discover your legs carrying you of their own accord toward one of your favourite promontories

  • Cherish [Science], venerate her, follow her methods faithfully ... and the future of this people will be greater than the past.

  • The silence is there within us. What we have to do is to enter into it, to become silent, to become the silence. The purpose of meditation and the challenge of meditation is to allow ourselves to become silent enough to allow this interior silence to emerge. Silence is the language of the spirit.

  • A capitalist economy hums when leading businessmen are bubbling with animal spirits and are prepared to sink their money into risky ventures.

  • That's wisdom you can take to the grave, and dig up when you need it!

  • It is often easier to make progress on mega-ambitious dreams. ... Since no one else is crazy enough to do it, you have little competition.

  • ‎I was cursed with the pessimism of both the Russians and the Jews two of the gloomiest tribes in the world. Still if there wasn't greatness in me maybe I had the talent to recognize it in others even in the most irritating others.

  • When you have a song on the radio your career and your life changes maybe for the better and maybe for the not so good depending on how it's going that day.

  • We need development in the Northern Territory but we don't need it based on something we might get in five years. We don't need it based on something that someone's done a couple of, they haven't even bothered with the back of the beer coaster.