Middle Management famous quotes


  • My opponent called me a cream puff. Well, I rushed out and got the baker's union to endorse me.

  • I contracted a disease which I have never shaken off. The disease was idealism. Because of it, I did the thing in life I wanted to do - Writing.

  • I'm not a big fan of kids' movies that have this knowing snarkiness to them or this post-modern take on storytelling. I think that sails right over the heads of most kids. There's something to be said for a well-told fairy tale. There's a reason that these mythic stories stay with us.

  • Everybody kind of perceives me as being angry. It's not anger, it's motivation.

  • The mathematicians know a great deal about very little and the physicists very little about a great deal.

  • Satisfying yourself requires challenges because when you come to a certain point, you're not happy anymore. You don't feel happy with the way you played one year ago, you have to always make progress. So that's a challenge.

  • Is bread the better for kneading? so is the heart. Knead it then by spiritual exercises; or God must knead it by afflictions.

  • No president has the right to say he is judge, jury and executioner

  • Most developing countries would know Malaysia quite well. Why? It is because we believe in contacts. We offer them some help for training, for example. We call it 'technical cooperation'.

  • War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all.