Equality For All famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • If I canot know your name, may I light a lamp so I can see your face?' If you sould ever see my face, you will lose me forever.' Why?' Psyche wanted to know. 'Are you ugly? Are you afraid I won't love you if I see your face?' Perhaps I am afraid that if you see my face, it will be THAT that you will love and not me.' I understand, believe me. I know what that feels like.

  • Happiness is not in things; happiness is in you.

  • The girls I've dated hate me a little because I can't remember anything about first dates or when we kissed. I have the worst memory in the world!

  • If you do something very successful, you will then be defined by it.

  • (P)eople’s good intentions can wind up putting us in boxes as confining as coffins.

  • I didn't want to be cut, but it made me a better person and a better player.

  • I have hitherto followed the lines marked out by the Theist in his attempt to prove that there exists a mind behind natural phenomena, and that the universe as we have it is, at least generally, an evidence of a plan designed by this mind. I have also pointed out that the only datum for such a conclusion is the universe we know. We must take that as a starting point. We can get neither behind it nor beyond it. We cannot start with God and deduce the universe from his existence; we must start with the world as we know it, and deduce God from the world.

  • We all drink from one water We all breathe from one air We rise from one ocean And we live under one sky

  • To get fifty people to a cocktail party in New York, you ask one hundred. In Hollywood, you invite twenty.

  • You tell anyone that I cried, and I'll cut your liver out." "Do you even know where a human liver resides?"[...] "Yes," she said, and punched him in it.