Cool Kid famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Enough is abundance to the wise.

  • It reveals us to ourselves, it represents those modulations and temperamental changes which escape all verbal analysis, it utters what must else remain forever unuttered and unutterable; it feeds that deep, ineradicable instinct within us of which all art is only the reverberated echo, that craving to express, through the medium of the senses, the spiritual and eternal realities which underlie them.

  • I hate how box-office failures are blamed on an actress, yet I don't see a box-office failure blamed on men.

  • The forehead of every work must shine from afar.

  • I think cinema is needed throughout Africa, because we are lagging behind in the knowledge of our own history. I think we need to create a culture that is our own. I think that images are very fascinating and very important to that end. But right now, cinema is only in the hands of film-makers because most of our leaders are afraid of cinema.

  • I understand about the relative strengths of people, and I don't think people have to be anything. They can be nothin' if they want to be.

  • As with Three Mile Island, the hysteria of the media and the political class over the Deepwater spill is likely to lead to increased risk and adverse environmental tradeoffs.

  • Auditioning is the worst.

  • to be sure, marriage is all in all with the ladies; but with us gentlemen it's quite another thing!

  • You don't think when you play music, you just try to play and be in it. It is the same for me when the writing is going really well. It's the same kind of feeling. I'm just in it. It's not the words, it's not the sentences, I'm not aware of it. Then it's good.