Good Girl famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • I’ve always said I didn’t have a Plan B in life. I was in pursuit of my dream from the very beginning. It’s all about desire and passion. At all costs.

  • The only music minister to whom the Lord will say, 'Well done, thy good and faithful servant,' is the one whose life proves what their lyrics are saying, and to whom music is the least important part of their life. Glorifying the only worthy One has to be a minister's most important goal!

  • I did learn what I didn't know I wanted to know.

  • The modern state does not comprehend how anyone can be guided by something other than itself. In its eyes pluralism is treason.

  • The world which credits what is done is cold to all that might have been.

  • Faith does not rely on knowing anything with certainty. It requires only the courage to accept that whatever happens is for the highest good.

  • Ground control to Major Tom.

  • I was very young. I thought I knew a lot and I really didn't. I trusted the wrong people.

  • At my hotel room, my friend came over and asked to use the phone. I said Certainly. He said Do I need to dial 9 I say Yeah. Especially if it's in the number. You can try four and five back to back real quick.

  • If you are in trouble anywhere in the world, an airplane can fly over and drop flowers, but a helicopter can land and save your life.