Peaceful Life famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Why are you so weird?" "Because my weird has to be able to cancel out your weird, Lady Cross-stitch." "At least what I do is considered an art form." "Yes, in ye olde medieal Europse you would've been quite the catch-

  • I regard remaking a film as creating something again.

  • Miss Havisham is an important feminine literary figure in the tradition of Antigone (though it's significant that Antigone is fighting to bury something and Miss Havisham refuses, as it were, to bury the corpse). Like Hamlet, she's focused on what everyone would rather not know or would like to forget, and she seems crazy / stuck as well as bitter, but she's also a perfect prototype of a performance artist. She's intentionally hard to deal with inviting the audience to remain with the violated body, the evidence of violence.

  • If you kept the small rules, you could break the big ones.

  • Problems that remain persistently insoluble should always be suspected as questions asked in the wrong way.

  • I was just kind of doing the math.

  • My mom is in her mid-60s and has more energy and is more youthful than any human being I know. It's pretty incredible.

  • Depression, if it's an unconsciously elected experience, is a luxury.

  • The skirts of the gods Drag in our mud. We feel the touch And take it to be a kiss.

  • Sometimes presenting the most ignorant point of view can be the best way to satirize the issue and highlight that ignorance.