Pandora Hearts famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • The first concert I attended was an Elvis concert when I was eleven. Even at that age he made me realize the tremendous effect a performer could have on an audience.

  • The world isn't tidy; it's a mess. I don't try to make it neat.

  • The meaning ... of a writer will be found not just in what he intends to say, or what he does literally say, but in the effect of his writing on living beings.

  • I think it's an accumulation of work over the years, culminating with our work during the Hurricane Katrina-Rita relief effort.

  • I'm a woman of color. I've lived in black neighborhoods all of my life, and most of the time I get hit on in my neighborhood - and mostly by black men. And so I wanted to have my specific experience and my perspective on street harassment out there.

  • Any kind of consciousness that is not related to the production or consumption of material goods is stigmatized in our society today.

  • It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.

  • My music is not really complicated. It's not really complicated and it's not - I wouldn't say simple - but it's not too, like, looking forward. So actually, like, the sound I have now, maybe it's a little bit better than the one I had, or whatever, but I don't feel uncomfortable yet with my music, you know?

  • All we ask for is registration, just like we do for cars.

  • And don't consult anyone's opinions but your own.