Old Dog famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • I'm not massively into computers. I'm a fan of Macs because they're more user friendly, so I'm used to using them.

  • Do you know why the Indian rain dances always worked? Because the Indians would keep dancing until it rained.

  • I've lost some weight. I am on that new Obama diet. Every day I let Vladimir Putin eat my lunch.

  • If I wanted to work financially, I would have made a series of different choices. I do get offered lots of movies which you could make a lot of money out of. And I always say, 'Why would I do that, when someone else could do it much better than me? Why would I want to do an action picture? Why?

  • In today's world, I probably would like to work with someone like Gaga,

  • How I work is I work from of very character-driven place. And I trust the writers.

  • Painting, like water, takes any form. Paint is a film of pigment on a plane. It is not real in the way that gravity-bound sculpture is real. It is, however, real.

  • . . . [R]estlessness usually stems from pride and from being discontented with one's lot in life.

  • When I had made more money than I needed for myself and my family, I set up a foundation to promote the values and principles of a free and open society.

  • Often people who are wonderful with animals aren't always terribly good with human beings.