Love You Baby famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • You go to the hospital your wife's in labor and you're doing the thing, and then it's very disorienting and scary and you beat yourself up and you go through a whole period of 'woe is me' and then you realize that this a gift, this child is the light, and if you can nourish that light and just let it shine, you have an opportunity to get closer to what I think is God.

  • I don't want to do architecture that's dry and dull.

  • Well, I outline fanatically. I am a long thinker and a slow writer, though I am trying to get faster.

  • Slavery is but half abolished, emancipation is but half completed, while millions of freemen with votes in their hands are left without education. Justice to them, the welfare of the States in which they live, the safety of the whole Republic, the dignity of the elective franchise, - all alike demand that the still remaining bonds of ignorance shall be unloosed and broken, and the minds as well as the bodies of the emancipated go free.

  • Do you trust me? The question is usually asked before an admission that such trust is misplaced.

  • As an Asian American at pilot season you take whatever there is.

  • The greatest compliment one can pay a master is to compare him with Capablanca.

  • The best way to make a silk purse from a sow's ear is to begin with a silk sow. The same is true of money.

  • I'm in the back of a limousine with Charlie Chaplin and it’s 1928. Charlie is beautiful; his body language seems to skip, and reel and rhyme, heartbreaking and witty at the same time. It seems to promise a better world.

  • Write, write, and write some more. Think of writing as a muscle that needs lots of exercise.