Vampire Movie famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Sports remain a great metaphor for life's more difficult lessons. It was through athletics that many of us first came to understand that fear can be tamed; that on a team the whole is more than the sum of its parts; and that the ability to be heroic lies, to a surprising degree, within.

  • The investigation into the possible effects of cosmic rays on living organisms will also offer great interest.

  • An arts education helps build academic skills and increase academic performance, while also providing alternative opportunities to reward the skills of children who learn differently.

  • Pay heed to the tales of old wives. It may well be that they alone keep in memory what it was once needful for the wise to know.

  • I'm probably better known in the US as a YA writer, I have a huge body of adult horror and fantasy behind me.

  • I know what it feels like to be hurt,and I don't want to cause that pain to any other person or creature. But somehow, in society, we numb ourselves in order to make money or to feel better about ourselves, such as with cosmetics or food. We say to ourselves, I'm going to use this animal. I'm going to say it doesn't have much worth so that I can allow myself to do these cruel things. And that just isn't fair.

  • It's possible to be a woman married to a very wealthy, powerful man but to be relatively disempowered. Not just relative to him, relative to a middle class woman who works.

  • The best thing is the combined effect of nicotine with alcohol, greater than the sum of the two parts.

  • After all, what is reading but a vice, like drink or venery or any other form of excessive self-indulgence? One reads to tickle and amuse one's mind; one reads, above all, to prevent oneself thinking.

  • I'm a perfectionist. I can't help it, I get really upset with myself if I fail in the least.