Co Worker famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Even cities have their graves!

  • An anxious unrest, a fierce craving desire for gain has taken possession of the commercial world, and in instances no longer rare the most precious and permanent goods of human life have been madly sacrificed in the interests of momentary enrichment.

  • It is beginning to be doubtful whether Parliament and Congress sit in Westminster and Washington, or in the editorial rooms of the leading journals,--so thoroughly is everything debated before the authorized and responsible debaters get on their legs.

  • If the condition of grief is nearly universal, its transactions are exquisitely personal.

  • The concept of who your audience is becomes more important than your site. Sometimes you can be commissioned to do a piece in Strasburg, and it works. Sometimes you're commissioned to do a piece somewhere else and it doesn't work, but then it moves to another city, the people embrace it, and becomes part of them. You just misjudged the needs of the people. Art is about giving people material and things to work with to fulfill whatever needs they have.

  • Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage.

  • A person who discreetly farts in an elevator is not a divine being, and a man needs to know this.

  • We will work harder in the future so set your eyes on us 5 men only.. Even when we become 30 and 40 as long as you can move, be with us.

  • I feel funny saying this, I'm not really a shoe shopper. I'm not going to go out and buy hundreds of pairs of shoes. I'm much more thoughtful than [Carrie] is, which is also one of the treats of playing her all these years.

  • Look at her -- I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way -- what bliss.