Inner Conflict famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • I like the idea of dating, but I'm not dating anyone exclusively, particularly right now. It's hard to be in a relationship unless you're ready to go public with it. So it's a lot easier for me to not be in a relationship. I really don't want that part of my life to be tabloid fodder.

  • Rats and roaches live by competition under the laws of supply and demand; it is the privilege of human beings to live under the laws of justice and mercy.

  • Love is giving someone everything on your plate; saying to them that you are full when you aren't. I could be better at that. I'm pretty good at giving, but I don't say, "I'm full." My wife does that all the time with many things, and it's why I love her.

  • In Amsterdam, the river and canals have been central to city life for the last four centuries,

  • They be starin at the money like it's unfamiliar

  • I feel more comfortable in saris than gowns.

  • I wanted to write a book that showed how the subjectification of the "the murderer" has changed little in over a hundred years, and to argue that this "exceptional figure" serves a conservative function in modern culture that bears closer interrogation than it has commonly received.

  • Exterminate the 50 million Vietnamese and purify the masses of the [Cambodian] people.

  • The pressure on me is nothing compared to Ravindra Jadeja. Jadeja, like Ram Gopal Verma, must always fail. The crowd always expects him to fail and it is too much pressure on him. And, he rarely disappoints them.

  • Although music appeals simply to the emotions, and represents no definite images in itself, we are justified in using any language which may serve to convey to others our musical expressions. Words will often pave the way for the more subtle operations of music, and unlock the treasures which sound alone can rifle, and hence the eternal popularity of song.