Taco Bell famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Frankly, there isn't anyone you couldn't learn to love once you've heard their story.

  • I don't think the tabloids find me very interesting.

  • Facebook? I have no clue about it. MySpace, none of that. I'm the worst.

  • Without cultural indoctrination, all of us would be atheists. Or, more specifically, while many may dream up their own gods as did our ancestors, they would certainly not be ‘Christian’ or ‘Jewish’ or ‘Muslim’ or any other established religion. That’s because, without the texts and churches and familial instruction, there are no independent evidences that any specific religion is true. Outside of the Bible, how would one hear of Jesus? The same goes for every established religion.

  • A letter is a barrier, a reprieve, a charm against the world, an almost infallible method of acting at a distance.

  • The main thing is to be yourself. Many times its through a mistake that you learn. And the main thing is to make sure you learn through your mistakes and get better.

  • The most difficult part of writing a book is not devising a plot which will captivate the reader. It's not developing characters the reader will have strong feelings for or against. It is not finding a setting which will take the reader to a place he or she as never been. It is not the research, whether in fiction or non-fiction. The most difficult task facing a writer is to find the voice in which to tell the story.

  • The purpose of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think upon.

  • a swell of gratitude and appreciation for his assistant, as opposed to the murderous rage he felt toward the rest of his staff

  • California Marijuana farmers are worried that radiation from Japan could affect their crops. Or maybe for some strange reason they're just being paranoid.