Turn To God famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Most discoveries even today are a combination of serendipity and of searching.

  • My mother, for example, told the German officer not to kill her. She'd make it worth his while. And then, when they were doing it, she pulled a knife out of her belt and sliced open his chest, just like she used to open chicken breasts to stuff with rice for the Sabbath meal.

  • Higher education cannot be a luxury reserved just for a privileged few. It is an economic necessity for every family. And every family should be able to afford it.

  • See how the Fates their gifts allot, For A is happy-B is not. Yet B is worthy, I dare say, Of more prosperity than A.

  • I should tie myself to no particular system of society other than of socialism.

  • I've been involved in the sport since I was seven-years-old and I have learned so many things in life from it, such as making friends and discipline.

  • We need to keep a very keen eye on our own government. It's getting too rich and redistributing wealth is a sure way of robbing us of our private property rights and other rights along with them.

  • I always tell people that religious institutions and political institutions should be separate. So while I'm telling people this, I myself continue with them combined. Hypocrisy!

  • Music has always been a big part of my life. It's kind of like a refuge for me. I just use it to get away.

  • For two years nobody talked about anything other than the name arrangement. There was no fund-raising and no progress being made on construction and design.