Follow Your Passion famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • But I'd like the pie heated and I don't want the ice cream on top I want it on the side and I'd like strawberry instead of vanilla if you have it if not then no ice cream just whipped cream but only if it's real if it's out of a can then nothing.

  • The power of the voice in rap is about the expression of truth, rather than the expression of some kind of artifice. Landays, they're about love and pleasure and oppression and levels of oppression within a family. And because of that, I think rap music is probably closely related.

  • Concerning the limits and limitations of the women's game - why should we believe there are any?

  • Forget this world and all its troubles and if possible  its multitudinous Charlatans-- everything in short but  the Enchantress of Numbers.

  • If you beat someone with a good name, of course some people are going to say he's past his prime, he's washed up, or he shouldn't be fighting. You're always going to have critics. It doesn't matter what the outcome is, whether it be good or whether it be bad.

  • Why didn't you tell me i was in love with you?

  • Some people have a perfect genius for doing nothing, and doing it assiduously.

  • Pussy Riot is against the cult of consumerism and the commercialization of art. Our performances were always open for everyone and anyone can see our video clips for free on the Internet.

  • He'll go down as one of the guys who changed our sport in a lot of ways, not only the way he played the game, but also the way that he conducted himself on and off the court.

  • I enjoy cooking with wine, sometimes I even put it in the food I'm cooking.