Country Life famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • It's a simple solution. You change one thing, and suddenly you've changed everything.

  • I studied all about Gauguin. He was a banker. He was a banker who - he used to paint on Sundays. And one day he hated himself for painting on Sundays.

  • SIN: Self-Inflicted Nonsense

  • I'm empathetic to a fault. I really do - embarrassingly enough - tear up when someone squishes a bug in front of me.

  • But I would rather have snow. Snow is the on.y weather I really like. Nothing makes me less grumpy than snow. I can sit by a window for hours watching it fall. The silence of snowfall. You can use that. It's best when there's background lighting, for example a street lamp. Or when you go outside and let it flutter down on you. That's real riches, that is.

  • I never face the day without perfume.

  • Respect for the fragility and importance of an individual life is still the mark of an educated man.

  • I believe people run marathons every day of their lives in one way or another, and we need to remember to give ourselves the finishers' medals we deserve.

  • I'm not a woman that's an athlete! I'm an athlete!

  • Laughter puts your brain, your central nervous system and your whole being into a state of free play.