Afraid Of Failure famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • Show your love wherever you go, and enjoy love's blossoms whenever you return.

  • If supporters of equality for women want to vote for the best candidate, they must look to a person regardless of gender and must disregard the gender of political opponents.

  • FORGIVE The People That Hurt You. God Will Pay You Back With Double The Joy...Double The Victory.

  • John Barry was my hero when I was about 13. His scores to the James Bond movies were the scores of my life back then.

  • …we all lie to ourselves; we tell our own selves more lies than we ever do other people.

  • Religion is like the fashion, one man wears his doublet slashed, another lashed, another plain; but every man has a doublet; so every man has a religion. We differ about the trimming.

  • I think anyone who has a job in the entertainment industry that is ongoing and then decides they get bored and doesn't want to do it anymore is foolish!

  • If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliche that must have been left behind in the Sixties, that's his problem. Love and peace are eternal.

  • From the Medicare prescription drug plan to the creation of the Department of Homeland Security and the passage of No Child Left Behind, President Bush presided over a major expansion of the reach of government.

  • You must all, somewhere deep in your hearts, believe that you have a special beauty that is like no other and that is so valuable that you must not abandon it. Indeed, you must learn to cherish it.