Beauty Comes From Within famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Do not despise or hate your neighbor because he has been a success; take care of your own case.

  • I could give any woman in the world a piece and a move; to Gaprindashvili even, a knight.

  • All couples must bear the strain of getting acquainted, having been, up to then, merely intimate.

  • I cannot but say a word and look my disapproval when I hear that my country is spending millions for war and war engines-more, I have heard, than twice as much as the entire public school system costs the nation.

  • Discipline strengthens the mind so that it becomes impervious to the corroding influence of fear.

  • Sometimes you meet someone and you know that your life will be different from then on.

  • It's just the more you do it the better you get, or at least that's how I feel in my case. I think it's a combination of confidence and just having done it this long and just learning. I'm always learning. I'm still honing my craft.

  • What is easiest to see is often overlooked.

  • People who love work, love life.

  • There are really only two options - you can feel things, or you can shut down. But, once you decide to feel things, you don't get to pick and choose what you feel.