Darkest Hour famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Stay positive, joyful, and optimistic in your activism, even in the face of adversity. Understand that most people continue to consume animal products because they are unaware of the hidden cost - animal cruelty - not because they are bad or apathetic. Offer information, support, and resources in a friendly and supportive manner, as few people have begun their journey toward a compassionate lifestyle by being shamed or ridiculed. Turn anger and frustration into motivation to be as effective as possible.

  • Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, sort of the three big hitters on the Republican side.

  • I suffer for my art and despise the witless moneyed scoundrels who praise it.

  • There is little to be gained by seeking after the mysteries, for there is hardly time in a lifetime to master the plain and precious things.

  • There's nothing quite as good as folding up into a book and shutting the world outside.If I pick the right one I can be beautiful, or fall in love, or live happily ever after. Maybe even all three.

  • I love being part of the team.

  • He should first show them in deeds rather than words all that is good and holy.

  • Choose to give your creative art priority over other things. You can do it.

  • There must be an alternative between Hollywood and New York, between those two places psychically as well as geographically. The University of Iowa tries to offer such a community, congenial to the young writer, with his uneasiness about writing as an honorable career, or with his excess of ego about calling himself a writer.

  • Everything passes, but nothing entirely goes away.