Jean Ziegler famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • If there is anyone who's living the work of the New Testament, it's the nuns of the Catholic church and not the Catholic hierarchy.

  • The hierarchy of class in London was rigid. It was like a religion. It still is to a certain extent.

  • One of the great commandments of science is, 'Mistrust arguments from authority'. (Scientists, being primates, and thus given to dominance hierarchies, of course do not always follow this commandment.)

  • Ideals jump across the hierarchies of the printed word.

  • Benito Mussolini created the word 'fascism.' He defined it as 'the merging of the state and the corporation.' He also said a more accurate word would be 'corporatism.' This was the definition in Webster's up until 1987 when a corporation bought Webster's and changed it to exclude any mention of corporations.

  • We are the only state that does not have a State Film Corporation there to support the commercial industry.

  • The life-fate of the modern individual depends not only upon the family into which he was born or which he enters by marriage, but increasingly upon the corporation in which he spends the most alert hours of his best years.

  • Let's execute along this strategy, but know that we'll probably get some of this wrong, so be open to changing it.

  • During a chess tournament a master must envisage himself as a cross between an ascetic monk and a beast of prey.

  • The strategies that managers employ are at least as important as the facilities at their disposal.