Robert Holman famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • I'd been shouting and shouting and no-one wanted to hear me.

  • Better not be a hero than work oneself up into heroism by shouting lies.

  • Laughter drives shouting away.

  • What are the best things and the worst things in your life, and when are you going to get around to whispering or shouting them?

  • I began to work the stage and get the audience into it. I also learned how to have fun out there. It is something I will never forget.

  • Before I go on stage I pretend that everyone loves me.

  • The ability to absorb a book and make someone else's words and story your own was exactly was I was doing on stage.

  • Adolescence: A stage between infancy and adultery.

  • I take a lot from everywhere. I take from music, architecture, novels, and plays. Anywhere that hits you.

  • A novel is written not to be judged, but experienced.

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