Fredrik Franson famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Prayer is the ascending vapor which supplies The showers of blessing, and the stream that flows Through earth's dry places, till on every side "The wilderness shall blossom as the rose.

  • Pray, always pray; when sickness wastes thy frame, Prayer brings the healing power of Jesus' name.

  • All earth-born hopes with time must pass away; prayer grasps eternal things; pray, always pray.

  • When we depend upon organizations, we get what organizations can do. But when we depend upon prayer, we get what God can do.

  • Try lighting your house by prayer instead of electricity and see which one works.

  • My goal has been to encourage jointness, to push people to think of affiliations rather than to operate as solo entrepreneurs.

  • Major sports are major parts of society. It's not anomalous to have people who love sports come from other parts of that society.

  • I have known some quite good people who were unhappy, but never an interested person who was unhappy.

  • Im so sick of people treating Latinos like some homogenous group that all feel the same way about everything.

  • Hospitals should be arranged in such a way as to make being sick an interesting experience. One learns a great deal sometimes from being sick.